facing loss :

support for adults grieving the loss of a partner to illness

a virtual support group offering a sensitive and supportive setting for navigating reality in the wake of profound personal loss. 

The isolation of grief can feel consuming; this group’s primary concern is to help reduce that isolation and give support without judgment about how your grief is manifesting, for how long, or whether it is “normal”— because everyone’s grief journey is unique. This group will provide space to review and reflect on your relationship with your loved one and to grieve the future you believed you’d experience together. Areas of discussion include dispelling myths about grief and grieving, understanding the impact of loss over time, examining the unique and significant life adjustments that coincide with losing a partner, acknowledging regrets and living without closure, and coping with grief on a day to day basis. Through the sharing of stories and emotions with others who have faced a similar experience, you may feel less isolated, find a sense of relief and understanding, and discover a capacity for hope.  

currently accepting names for waitlist.